Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Airport Security Essay 5

Running Head: AIRPORT SECURITY Airport se muttity Rosa Lopez capital of South Carolina University Airport se muttity ??rport s?cur?ty ?s ? f?ctor th?t ?s us?d to prot?ct us from h?j?ck?ngs, go?ngs, ?nd ?nyth?ng th?t w?ll h?rm p?opl? fly?ng through th? fr??ndly sk??s. S?nc? th? bomb?ng of S?pt?mb?r 11, ??rport s?cur?ty h?s b??n ?routine t?n t?m?s t?ght?r th?n usu?l, b?c?us? th?y f??l?d ?n l?tt?ng th? t?rror?sts g?t on th? pl?n? w?th th??r kn?v?s. (P?tt?rson, G?mm?, 2008) Th?s tr?g?dy h?s forc?d th? country to ?ts br?m to f?gur? out how w? c?n t?ght?n s?cur?ty ?t ??rports, how w? c?n ?fford ?t, ?nd how ??rl?n?s ?nd ??rports ?r? go?ng to surv?v?. ?v?n y??rs b?for? th? ?tt?cks w? h?v? b??n try?ng to s?cur? our ??rports. ?n 1996, Pr?s?d?nt Cl?nton s?gn?d th? F?? R??uthor?z?t?on ?ct of 1996. Th? b?ll g?v? $19 b?ll?on to th? F?? to b? ?nv?st?d ?n s?cur?ty. Th?s mov? w?s mot?v?t?d by th? cr?sh of TW? Fl?ght 800. B?ll Cl?nton st?t?d ?t w?ll c?rry forw?rd our f?ght ?g??nst t?rror?sm?. Th?s shows th?t w? h?v? b??n h?v?ng som? probl?ms w?th our s?cur?ty w?y b?for? S?pt?mb?r 11th, for Cl?nton s?w som?th?ng th?t n??d?d f?x?ng. (P?tt?rson, G?mm?, 2008) Th?r? ?r? m?ny g?n?r?l ?ssu?s w?th s?cur?ty ?t our ??rports b?for? th? ?tt?cks.
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For st?rt?rs, w? only strain on th? p?ss?ng?rs of th? fl?ghts, ?nd not oth?r ?uthor?t??s ?n th? ??rport th?t h?v? ?cc?ss to th? pl?n?s. ?n ?rt?cl? ?n th? D??ly Pol?cy D?g?st s?ys ?t conc?ntr?t?s on p?ss?ng?rs ?nd ?gnor?s th? thous?nds of c?t?r?rs, cl??n?rs, r?fu?l?rs ?nd oth?rs w?th ?cc?ss to ??rports ?nd j?ts who l?ck m?nd?tory b?ckground ch?cks or ?D c?rds . ?nybody work?ng ?n th? ??rport should g?t by s?cur?ty w?th th? s?m?, ?f not mor? d?ff?culty th?n th? p?ss?ng?rs, for th?y h?v? ?v?n mor? ?cc?ss to th? pl?n?s ?nd lugg?g? th?n th? p?ss?ng?rs th?ms?lv?s. (P?tt?rson, G?mm?, 2008) Our n?t?on ?s work?ng on mor? s??rch?s ?nd h?gh?r s?rv??ll?nc? ?n our ??rports. ?n ?n ?ffort to ?ncr??s? th? s?cur?ty ?t th? ??rf??lds, w? n??d to h?v?... If you necessitate to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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